NoT Again...

im so done and over with The concept of BisexuaLiTy. im tiRed and reaLLy Fed up oF teachiNg individuaLs and eDucaTing them of these unaccepTabLe facTs abouT homosexuality that we are stiLL facing here in The PhiLippines.

1. we ourseLves who belong to the LGBT communiTy discriminaTe each oThers sexualiTy. scruTinize a very singLe fLaw towards other's idenTiTy. humiLiaTing our Kind if he/she do not pass to our personal criteria to be considered one of his/her chosen group.

2. the history based stereo-typing that to be gay is as equal of wearing female dress, make-up and work as parloristas and manicuristas.

Let it be understand that Acceptance comes from individuaL acceptance and by the acceptance of the communiTy they belong witH. iT is a consoLidated efforT from both parties. sadLy, the sociaL community plays a big parT of it that is why there are sTiLL pLU living inside their closeTs.

BuT whaT is the purpose of OnLine Groups if they cannoT supporT their members emotionally and socially?

Stereo-typing and discRiminaTion wiLL noT end unLess we Learn how to respecT one another for what we have chosen and what we believed in.

ResPecT be geTs RepecT.

FaceBook - Fame Town - Attention Freak

Kakainis MabaSa Ang PosT ng ibA.

Snob daw, Boring daw. WaLang Pumapansin Daw.

ANG AkiN LaNG...

Ano bang ginagawa mo paRa maPansiN ka? GumagaWa ka ba ng moves Para kausapin ka ng iba?

ANG AkiN LaNG...

i never goT the opportuniTy to be with the people i know heRe in the group and i beLieve thaT there are also membeRs Like me who have not yet been with any of the members they know. but we communicaTe. we ParTicipaTe. ehh ikaw?


di naman po NaTiN maaasaHan na sa isaNg PosT mu Lang ehh dudumugiN ka ng mga Members Lalo pa't kaRamihan ay magkakakiLaLa na.


Everyone is entittled to posT freely in this gRoup given that you abide to all the rules that was estabLished. yeT, pLease be advised thaT you musT aLso be inteLLectuaLLy prepared thaT noT aLL youR posT wiLL be noTiceD. you aRe noT aLone... everyone does.


NagsisimuLa ang paKiKipag Kapwa sa Maayos na komunikasyon. NagKaKarooN ng pagkakaibiGan sa mga taong may iisaNg hiLig, pananaw aT disposisyon.

PaKiKiSaMa po ang TaWag dooN....

Kung di mo Lang naman aLam...